Dark Realms Magazine - Issue 18

Ancient Shadows: The Dark Legends of Sumeria



For thousands of years, theologists have turned to sacred texts such as the Bible and the Koran to explain the origins and purposes of mankind while scientists have embraced Charles Darwin's theories of evolution, natural selection and survival of the fittest to explain mankind's development from primitive ape to modern human being. But what if both religion and science are wrong? What if humanity had more sinister origins than Darwin or the authors of the Old Testament ever dreamed possible? A look at the ancient land of Sumeria provides an unsettling glimpse into the dark genesis of man, and the secrets of this early civilization could possibly bring the modern world to its knees.


Sumeria, possibly the first modern human society, flourished from 4000 to 2000 BC in the ancient Mesopotamian region located near the city of Mosul in present- day Iraq. Excavations in this region in 1850 by British archaeologist Sir Austen Henry Layard uncovered numerous clay tablets detailing the history and beliefs of the Sumerians. Zecharia Sitchin, a scholar skilled in reading ancient languages, has translated many of the tablets and his controversial translations shockingly defy the commonly accepted scientific and religious beliefs about the creation of man.

According to Sitchin, a race of advanced extraterrestrial beings called the Annunaki ("Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came") is responsible for mankind's genesis. The Annunaki came from a planet called Nibiru ("The Planet of the Crossing"), which lies beyond Pluto in our solar system and which passes near Earth every 3,600 years. About 4 billion years ago, Nibiru's orbit brought it catastrophically close to another planet, Tiamat, which resided between Mars and Jupiter. Gravitational pressures from Nibiru's orbit tore Tiamat apart, forming the asteroid belt that now lies beyond Mars. Additionally, a large fragment of the doomed planet was hurled closer to the sun, and over time this piece of debris evolved into a planet in its own right: Earth.

About 450,000 years ago, during one of Nibiru's close passes of Earth, the Annunaki began exploring and colonizing the relatively new planet, using the Mesopotamian region as their base camp. The spacefaring beings, which many researchers believe are reptilian in nature, were attracted to Earth's enormous mineral reserves, particularly gold.

Many theories have been put forth to explain their need for gold, one of which suggests that gold could have been used to repair Nibiru's upper atmosphere, which would have been damaged after the near- collision with Tiamat. Modern scientists agree that gold particles released into the atmosphere could actually repair Earth's ozone layer; perhaps this scenario applied to Nibiru as well. Another reason for the Annunaki's need for gold could have been the curious neurological effects that are caused by ingestion of monoatomic gold, a molecularly refined derivative of raw gold. According to researchers like Brian Desborough and David Icke, monoatomic gold can exponentially increase the processing speed and capacity of the brain and central nervous system, giving a sentient being extraordinary mental and physiological powers, including the ability to process information rapidly like a computer and the ability to shape-shift into another form.

Earth contained a great deal of gold, especially in Africa, and the Annunaki at first used their own lower classes to mine the mineral. However, the miners grew disenchanted with the hard labor and mutinied. Anu, leader of the Annunaki, was advised by one of his sons, Enki, that a race of specially created slave laborers would resolve the mining problem.


Seeing that a primitive humanoid species dominated Africa, the key mining region for the Annunaki, Enki decided that a hybrid between these lowly creatures and the Annunaki would make a suitable slave: intelligent enough to handle a limited number of chores but still as controllable as any beast of burden. After a great deal of trial and error, the Annunaki created homo sapiens about 300,000 years ago and allowed the new beings to form the first modern human society, Sumeria.

This extraterrestrial origin for mankind explains one of science's greatest mysteries: the sudden and dramatic 'evolution' from primitive to modern man. Under normal conditions of Darwinian evolution, it would have taken millions of years for early man to become homo sapiens. The evidence, however, indicates that it amazingly only took a few thousand years.

Then, about 12,000 years ago, the imminent return of Nibiru threatened to wipe out the new slaves and bring disaster to Earth in the form of massive tidal waves and climate changes brought on by the proximity of the two worlds. In an effort to preserve his engineered slave race and other creatures of Earth, Enki instructed a Sumerian named Utnapishtim to collect the seed of Earth's living beings and preserve them in a boat designed to withstand the coming flood. While the Annunaki retreated to ships in orbit around Earth, the surface of the planet was devastated. Eventually humanity survived and began to thrive. More and more human cities sprang up, each of them ruled by leaders chosen by the Annunaki based on the purity of their genetic make-up. More of an Annunaki genetic strain in a person's blood meant the person was more 'kingly,' and thus was born the concept of the divine right of kings, which continues to this day in many countries and in many guises.


According to David Icke, author of the controversial The Biggest Secret, although we have the illusion that we control Earth and the destinies of its nations, it is only an illusion. The Annunaki created us and control us to this very day, and their control has evolved from the overt to the covert. It would be unwieldy even for advanced aliens to keep 6 billion people in brutal, obvious slavery, so over time the Annunaki have allowed humans to believe in their independence while secretly controlling events behind the scenes through governments, religions, secret societies and world banking systems. In most world governments, the most powerful people tend to be members of elite, influential families, and these families in turn are usually associated with influential secret cabals like the Freemasons and Skull and Bones. These shadowy groups trace their ancestry back through time to ancient mystery schools that knew the truth about mankind's dark origins. In order to better control the ignorant masses, subservience-based religions like Christianity and Islam were manufactured using heavily censored or distorted accounts adapted from the original Sumerian histories. Though we no longer mine gold in the heart of Africa, David Icke suggests that we are still controlled by our sinister otherworldly masters and serve their other as- yet-unknown agendas.

There is a great deal of admittedly circumstantial evidence to support the notion of an alien genesis of mankind. Chief among this evidence is the testimony of the Sumerian texts themselves. These ancient tablets contain much of the raw material contained in the first few books of the Old Testament, such as the Utnapishtim/Noah story. If we accept the literal or figurative truth of the Bible, as many of us do, then logic demands that we accept the Sumerian texts as even 'truer,' since these texts form the Bible's source material. And to dismiss the Sumerian accounts of the Annunaki as mere myths or parables is to ignore the startling technical accuracy of some of this ancient material; for example, the Sumerian tablets describe our solar system with the planets in their appropriate locations (thousands of years before some of these planets were 'officially' discovered), and the texts even describe the colors of Neptune and Uranus, something only our modern space probes have been able to do.


More support for an extraterrestrial origin of man comes from anthropology. Anthropologists have determined that the three crucial early phases of mankind's evolution—farming, rudimentary culture and civilization—transpired at roughly 3,600-year intervals, which corresponds to the duration of Nibiru's orbit of the sun. This indicates that at certain times when Nibiru was close to Earth, travel to our planet by the Annunaki was made easier, thus their presence on Earth and their manipulation of our development was more pronounced at these times. In addition, many astronomers agree that there is most likely another planet that lies beyond Pluto, giving further credence to Nibiru's existence.

The folklore of numerous cultures throughout the world also hints at some superior reptilian race with a connection to mankind. The winged serpent deity Quetzalcoatl figures prominently in Central American mythology, while the Hopi Indians record legends of their serpent king Baholinkonga. In Asian Indian folklore, there are accounts of the Nagas, a race of reptile gods. Ancient British mythology featured a deity called the Dragon-Ruler of the World. Nearly every culture and society is awash with serpent imagery, and even the Bible is littered with ominous references to reptilian beasts. In the modern era, many UFO abductees claim that not only are there the traditional 'grey' and 'Nordic' types of aliens, there is also a reptilian race that has been visiting Earth.

Human biology also gives support to a link between man and reptile. The core portion of the brain is called the reptilian brain, and within this segment is the R-complex section, a part that is uncannily similar to a corresponding section of a reptile's brain. The R-complex, scientists affirm, is involved in aggression and a need for ritual and social hierarchies. As David Icke chronicles in The Biggest Secret, those members of society who have more of an Annunaki element in their DNA - such as the wealthy, elite and royal families who have been interbreeding with one another for centuries—are also invariably members of secret, privileged organizations drenched in arcane rituals and customs. In these people, it seems, the R-complex is more pronounced than it is in ordinary humans.


The origin of mankind has been a fixture of nearly every religion and mythology since the beginning of recorded history. With the discovery of thousands of ancient Sumerian tablets in the mid 1800s, another myth of man's genesis was brought to light. But is it only a myth? The Sumerians possessed knowledge of science and astronomy that an early civilization would have no logical way of knowing, so perhaps their accounts of the Annunaki are correct as well. If so, mankind will have to reevaluate its identity and acknowledge many dark, uncomfortable truths about its pedigree, a pedigree that has been kept secret for thousands of years and which could shatter the foundations of all our most cherished beliefs.